It is an entertainment experience where you will choose any city in ITALY or in the WORLD, which combines ESCAPE and TREASURE HUNT.
The adventure will take place in the city center. You will have to search ON GOOGLE MAPS for “MAIN SQUARE” and the name of the city.
An immersive experience that combines PLAY, CULTURE and ENTERTAINMENT.

Is there a setup?
The game is built digitally for any city.
THE HEART OF THE EXPERIENCE are the CHALLENGES you will have to face in order to win.
The missions are related to the story
How does it work?

Experience players will have to scan a QR CODE and everything will begin.

The game APP will be their game diary containing all the MISSIONS and CHALLENGES to be carried out.

  • MISSIONS: You will do various missions to progress through the story of the game
  • CHALLENGE: There are many individual and group challenges to face to win the game

When do they start the experience?

When you arrive at the starting point, you will scan a QR code which will give you instructions for the  GAME RULES and you will begin the adventure.

What are the game missions?

Each mission consists of a document closed with a PASSWORD.

DOCUMENT IN PDF: one part will be the story of the game and one part the mission to be carried out to find the password and open the next one.


What are the CHALLENGES?

CHALLENGE: exhilarating TRIALS that will make the experience even more exciting!
They are divided by categories. Sporty, intellectual, weird, crazy, etc

How much do the packages cost and how are they divided?


  • Escape Challenge (10 challenges): €25 per person. 4 mins
  • Escape Challenge Special Event (20 challenges): €35 per person. 4 mins
    * In addition, the ACTIVE Master can be entered in the chat: €200 (based on the time zone)
What does the experience include?


  • The game board with all missions
  • The challenges
What is NOT included?
      Travel expenses, food and accommodation
Is it possible all year round or only in summer?

The game is active and can be played all year round.
Users who have daily, weekly or monthly reservations can play.

Are there any age restrictions?

Must be at least 18 years of age to play.

Is there insurance?

We as Experience On The Road have liability insurance.
We are NOT a travel agency and we deal exclusively with the entertainment part linked to the gaming experience.

Do you also organize Experiences for destinations outside Italy?

We organize experiences on any city in ITALY and in the WORLD.
The only important thing is the internet connection or 4G

Do you create custom events?

Certain. We create events with varying degrees of customization in:

  • Yacht
  • Agency
  • Hotels
  • Accommodation
  • Location for events